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Today, music rules the world and is part of our daily lives. Most people enjoy music and listen to it for a variety of reasons. It has many benefits for adults, but also for children. In the following article, you will discover the many benefits of having your children listen to music.
Improves children’s intellectual capacity
As surprising as it may sound, having your children listen to or play music can be very beneficial for them. It has several advantages, among which we can mention intellectual development. According to scientific studies, children who play music are more intelligent than the average child.
Music allows children to develop their intelligence significantly. Children who make or listen to music are known to have better memory and concentration. They also have better mathematical skills, especially in fractions.
Children’s language development
The many benefits of music on your children’s language will certainly leave you speechless. This is because music develops children’s phonological abilities. This allows them to be more receptive to different sounds and to recognise words more easily.
Music strengthens children’s hearing and listening skills. This can lead to a better understanding of languages. Music affects the brain’s processing of auditory responses. Thus, children who listen to music have better auditory skills.
Music regulates children’s emotions
In terms of emotions, the many benefits of music on your children will not leave you indifferent. Both adults and children find music to be comforting and soothing. It is well known that music can be used to calm a crying baby and put him or her to sleep if possible.
Playing or listening to music will help your children to control their moods from a young age and make them more social in life. Music can make a child less aggressive and more receptive to the outside world.